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Matt Conklin
artist & worldbuilder
Bruce Burris
"Matt Conklin's vivid, idiosyncratic train layouts bear some semblance to English garden follies and various other folk art environments which incorporate inspired, albeit eccentric materials and structures into what may be regarded as rigorous, traditional tableaux (gardens and yard spaces). While garden follies and folk art environments are mostly outdoors, they are helpful in providing a glimpse of the uncharted path that Matt has chosen to create his indoor train layouts.
Matt’s layouts are ever-changing, he systematically updates his layouts using deliriously painted household objects, soda bottles, scavenged toys, cardboard boxes, bowling pins, etc. to create the buildings, bridges, and other structures which link his creations to more typical models. "
Further Reading:
Matt Conklin's artist page on Outpost 1000
Matt Conklin's World of Wonders on Outpost 1000
Matt's Youtube:
"Matt’s layouts are ever-changing, he systematically updates his layouts using deliriously painted household objects, soda bottles, scavenged toys, cardboard boxes, bowling pins, etc. to create the buildings, bridges, and other structures which link his creations to more typical models. "
-Bruce Burris
Exhibitions & Projects
Artist Chronology
Group Exhibits
“In the Garden We Will Wear Our Costumes for a Spaceship”
Gretchen Schuette Gallery
Salem, OR
"Singular Visions: Self-Taught Artists From the Permanent Collection"
Hallie Ford Museum of Art
Salem, OR
Salem Art Association
Salem, OR
The Arts Center
Corvallis, OR
Living Studios
Corvallis, OR
Western Oregon University,
Cannon Gallery
"Do You See Everyone Under That Applebelly Tree?
Oregon State University, Memorial Student Union Gallery
Southern Oregon University,
Schneider Museum of Art
Woodshop Projects, Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR
Outsider Art Fair (NYC) Andrew Edlin Gallery
10 in 10, CE ARTWorks Gallery, Corvallis, OR
Featured Shows
"Geo-Static / Structure / Pop!"
Living Studios Gallery
Corvallis, OR
CEI ArtWorks Gallery
"Portland Biennial"
With Bruce Burris
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A donation of $100 or more will help expand our programs so artists can experience a new art medium and means of expression.
For as little as $500, you can help fund a gallery exhibition to give artists a way to share their art with others.

1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.