Cornerstone Associates, Inc. is preparing to host our artist in residence Andrew Nigon, he is an artist, art instructor and coordinator of Fairbanks Gallery at Oregon State University.
Andrew will be in residence during July working with Associates at both our Wood Products (mill) and our Community Access Program. His project is called "The David Angel" and he hopes to evoke the sounds of the wind in our NW forests. This project is evolving and its outcome is sure to be different than what we are projecting currently. The resources Andrew and company will use to create this work will be repurposed materials from around our grounds. We are planning a community opening reception on Thursday July 26th. Hope to see you there! The project is funded by the Benton County Cultural Coalition. (BCCC)

When asked about his inspirations for Twin Peaks, David Lynch said he was struck by how the wind in the Pacific Northwest moves through the majestic Doug Fir. The soft rustling of pine needles and the slow sway of the gigantic trees allude to the existence of a mysterious and ancient spirit, living among us in this uniquely spiritual landscape. Both beautiful and ominous, the forests in the Pacific Northwest have often left me hypnotized by it’s strange power. For the past five years, my art practice has been actively drawn to objects, both man-made and natural, that combine power and beauty to create feelings of a divine presence.

The David Angel is an attempt to manifest this spirit. I am proposing the temporary installation of a 14-foot tall “dual” flag poll that will hold two flags made from recycled plastic shopping bags. These two flags will be installed at a 45-degree pitch to look similar to flags installed on roadside construction signs signaling “caution ahead”. Simultaneously, they will mimic angel wings mapping the shape of the air as the float in the wind. Attached at the midpoint of the pole will be a collection of brightly colored wood planks gleaned from the scrap woodpile found outside of the woodshop. With the help of Cornerstone artists, I will paint a linear weave pattern that will be colorful and mesmerizing when specifically arranged on the flagpole.