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Derek Johnson
fantastical nature & colors
Derek Johnson is one of the talented artists at Living Studios in their Salem location! Derek’s work captures the essence of the natural world, showcasing his incredible ability to bring animals and imaginative creatures to life. From detailed pencil sketches to vibrant, whimsical compositions, Derek’s art invites viewers to explore the beauty of nature through his eyes.
As Derek puts it: “I draw animals because it feels natural to me.” (Well, it makes sense—drawing nature naturally comes to him!)"I draw animals because it feels natural to me."
-Derek Johnson
Exhibitions & Projects
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Art provides a means for expression for people who struggle to find the right words. Help an artist today
A donation of $100 or more will help expand our programs so artists can experience a new art medium and means of expression.
For as little as $500, you can help fund a gallery exhibition to give artists a way to share their art with others.

1445 Crystal Lake Drive
Corvallis, OR 97333
P. O. Box 973
Corvallis, OR 97339
P 541.752.9724
F 541.752.7853
Copyright 2023 Cornerstone Associates, Inc.